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Showing posts with label gtfo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gtfo. Show all posts


The Decommissioning... We Said Goodbye To Our Beloved HQ1

In 2019, it was decided that we needed a world headquarters. We needed a space to be able to give out our weekly navHUD via a file cabinet and have a home to call our own where people could gather to collect our weekly adventure drive which included a GTFO drive once a month. Close ties with the GTFO organization including CinnamonMousse and Syler Avon made this possible. Shortly thereafter, Christie asked me if I would be interested in maintaining the place and I agreed it would be fun and that would take on the responsibility. Thus the DSL headquarters was a established inside the GTFO World Headquarters located on Bruissac on the Jeogeot Gulf adjacent to the Blake Sea (some of the most expensive real estate areas on the grid).

As the years went on, I would create sets of displays in the courtyard depending on our special events and seasons featuring vehicles from our sponsors given out each week to highlight and a also give a sense of belonging. I especially enjoyed creating winter scenes with snow and vehicles related to that with trees and lighting etcetera.

As the story goes, one day Syler decided to make a change. He grew tired of the same old set up of the GTFO World Headquarters and wanted to try something new. This included our space. It turns out that Syler re arranged his land holdings and was able to consolidate land in Bruissac and adjacent Hugues together to form a new GTFO and DSL headquarters. This is where we are at now. 



GTFO Mess-Anger Bag III Released !


GTFO Messanger Backpack

This is a great solution if you do not happen have a GTFO or mod enabled vehicle or you want to walk, fly, bicycle or use your horse etc.  

Just wear it! 

Yes you can make it transparent :-)

You can find the FREE back-pack at :


Happy GTFOing



GTFO BBQ 2022!


Next Sunday, GTFO! De Campion is throwing a BBQ for GTFO! and DSL (and friends).

What: Summer BBQ 2022

When: 3rd July, 6:30 to 9:30 AM SLT

Where: GTFO! De Campion

Featuring 2 DJ's, a live music act at 7:30 and fireworks at 9:30AM :-) 


Gnome At Your Service!

East River Gas
East River Gas

Meet your friendly Gnome, clear some tumbleweeds, get your GTFO! on and fillerup at East River Gas. Centrally located in the beautiful East River area adjacent to Linden Road in Grizedale on the original continent of Sansara.


(GTFO) Grid Drive Videos from 2022-04-16

Today the post by me (not sure, if all works well) ...

... editing the pictures and creating a video takes usual a bit longer,
than the streaming and maybe fixing some issues with the sound
(or better: music and copyright-complaints).

Here now the different videos, so far we was knowing about.
If you have knowledge about others, give Pyo, Kimberly or me a "poke".

I hope you all was enjoy the drive ...
... and we looking forward to the next one.

Was someone on the "Bellisseria - Anniversary Race" on Saturday?
I totally have missed that ...

You also can find all videos, I was able to catch since July 2021, here:


How To Become A GTFO HUB Provider?

Get the Freight Out! - GTFO!

A logistics and exploration game in the virtual world of Second Life™

How to become a hub provider?

We get asked about this a lot.

The GTFO! website now has a page dedicated to becoming a hub provider.

Most GTFO! hubs are owned by players of the game. If you have a space station, airport, marina, petrol/gas station or other location with access to protected road, rail or waterway (or air/space), you could host your own hub.

If you want to find out more, please visit

Thanks for your support!

–Famously Dismantled

Copyright© 2022 by GTFO!
Not affiliated with Second Life™ or Linden Lab, Inc.


Glossary of Terms

DSL - Drivers of Second Life

FS - Firestorm

GTFO - Get The Freight Out

HQ - Drivers of Second Life World Headquarters

"Jacked" - Getting stuck while moving or suddenly getting logged off SL

LCC - Leeward Cruising Club

LDPW - Linden Department of Public Works.

MC - Motorcycle

MP - Second Life MarketPlace

SLA - Second Life Aviation Wiki

SLRR - Second Life Rail Road

SLT - Second Life Time PST UTC -8


GTFO! Updates

GTFO Vendor 1.9.1
GTFO Vendor 1.9.1

The GTFO Hud has been updated to 1.9.1. Simply add your old hud and the new hud will download to your inventory. The new vendor will also be given to you in the folder. Please replace your old vendors if you use them.


Configuring Visible Cargo with GTFO!


Configuring Visible Cargo

If the vehicle is modifiable and tolerates changed links (ie, it won't explode if you add a box or two) you can add as many containers as the vehicle is raided for, and name them CARGO!x from 1 to how many the vehicle will hold. If you add more, extra containers may remain visible in the unloading process.

So, CARGO!1, CARGO!2, etc.

Depending on the load/unload time, items will be visible/vanish at blocks.

e.g. Containervessel Andrea Doria, all above of 12 container are visible/vanish at once.

Some vehicles needs a special procedure for unlinking/linking. Please consult the creators manual!

Since HUD 1.9.0 the cargo part got separated from the HUD main script.

To operate visible cargo, take your vehicle to edit and drop the !GTFO!CARGO V.1.9.0a into the content.

To configure, how the cargo appear, edit the VAPI-notecard content accordingly.

qty(cargo quantity) times secs(number of seconds to load each item) qty x sec can not exceed 115 seconds else last cargo will not show loading

sample: qty=6


These figures will not replace actual carrying capacity of your vehicle only the loading/unloading of it.

Advanced Multi-Face, Compressible Cargo 


If you are an advanced scripter, you can set the following in the block's descriptions:

[ Prefix ] [ Number Of Containers In Prim ] [ Prim Size ] [ Prim Local Position ]


CGO - Prefix the API looks for, it wants to see this when it's scanning the link-set.

Faces - 0 or 1 = Single Container

If you have multi-element cargo prims, set up to 8 faces.

Prim Size - The vector size the prim will be expanded to when made visible

Prim Local Pos - the LOCAL position it will move the cargo to.

Happy GTFOing
2018 by Cam Maximus
2021 edited by Joan Moleno

How To Set Up Your Vehicle for GTFO!

gtfo logo

Setting Up The Vehicle ID (VAPI code)

    GTFO! identifies your vehicle by a specially named notecard in the vehicles content.
  1. Create a new notecard.
  2. Rename the notecard "GTFO!xxxx" where xxxx is the 'VAPI Code' for your vehicle
  3. Example: "GTFO!SUPERCUB" if you have Laminar Cub
  4. Enter some "space" to the notecard content
  5. Save the NC. By this NC, you can now also configure how many pieces of cargo that show and the time between each piece.
  6.  This figures does not change the actual job cargo or replace the actual carrying capacity of any vehicle.
  7.  More in "Configure visible cargo", below
    VAPI (API code) 

Installing The Vehicle Scripts

  1. Rez your Vehicle
  2. Edit the Vehicle's contents
  3. Insert the named NC "GTFO!xxxx" into contents.
  4. Insert the GTFO! API script included in this package
  5. The API script will now tell you if it found the api block or it will present an error.
  6. To find your GTFO prepared vehicle in inventory, add e.g. GTFO to the end of the vehicles name. Some vehicle, like Shergood heli's, need parts of the name unchanged, to have all features work. Consult your manual.
  7. Take it back to inventory, then rez it again.

Using GTFO!

You don't need to be in a GTFO! Hub Region. 
Presently, those are on mainland continents, Fruit Islands/North Sea.
Click the GTFO Hud and there will be a button labeled 'Find Hubs'.
If you're in a mainland continent, you will see hubs in your proximity.
  1. Visit a GTFO Hub Region
  2. Rez a Vehicle you have prepared for GTFO
  3. Sit in your Vehicle and wait for GTFO to tell you it is connected.
  4. Click the HUD.
  5. Select 'Get Cargo'
  6. You will see some options depending on your vehicle.
    "Courier Job" - Deliver goods from here to another hub.
    " Freight Job" - Deliver goods from here to another hub.
    "Air Drop" - The same as above but to non-hub 'mission regions'.
    You can not load freight at such locations and is not available for all vehicles.

After updates you may see some new jobs types,
these are pretty much the same thing but with different margins

  1. Pick a job, then select a destination from the menu.
  2. Look through the cargo options for the highest value or funniest name,  you pick.
  3. For the initial launch the cargo names may really random.
  4. You may start of with insufficient funds if your vehicle is too large, you may need a smaller vehicle until you can earn more money.
  5. Click 'Load' and then 'Confirm'.
  6. Wait for the HUD to tell you the job is loaded and you are ready to depart.
  7. You can move the vehicle if necessary for traffic, but do not leave the sim as this will cancel the job.
  8. Travel to destination in the allowed time.
  9. Click HUD then 'deliver'.
  10. Wait for cargo to unload.
  11. Collect fake game money.
  12. Repeat.
As you progress, you'll gain levels, as you level up you'll get better margins and more profitable cargos.

Freebie Version Limitation

The Freebie Edition has access to all vehicles and destinations, but...

  • Freebie HUDs will not level up past Level 5
  • They will not gain xp or money bonuses from extra distances traveled
  • They will not gain perks or unlocked items
  • They will not be able to participate in leader boards
However, XP and money gained with the freebie edition carry over into the paid versions! 
If something does not work as it should, de- and re- attach the hud solve most problems.
If you find anything suspect or is obviously a bug, please let us know.
Fastest help you will find in our in-world group secondlife:///app/group/0de2c89b-6213-91e0-c0a5-6936fd1201e6/about
Happy GTFOing           
2018 by Cam Maximus
2019 and 2020 edited by Joan Moleno