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Bellisseria Passport...

First post on DSL blog.

So I've just recently got my Bellisseria Passport. Thought it would be fun in between weekly grid drives. Stop by some neat spots. Takes some pictures. Also record a video of the trip.

This is the latest travel to a really neat spot. Connie BlahBlah Cafe.

This place is so nice. I don't want to leave...

You can find my other trip video playlist at "Bellisseria Passport Trips" on Youtube.


Airport Waypoint HUD HSI Updates to Version 1.6

Airport Waypoint HUD HSI

Airport Waypoint HUD Indicators

Glide Slope Indicator

  • A waypoint HUD that also allows you to fly using an emulation of a real instrument.
  • The HUD uses notecards to record lists of airports and their positions.
  • Each airport can also have a runway heading and notes. Runway headings can use any angle :)
  • Multiple notecards can be used, organize lists of airports and/or routes with them.
  • Has two route modes of operation, where it will automatically set the next or previous waypoint as you progress through a journey.
  • World map beacon can be used as well.


NatureCon 2022!


 We will be participating in this years NatureCon! More info here


SAU Motors

SAU Motors
SAU Motors

Thanks to this weeks sponsor SAU Motors nir.mcbride for the cool reward and superbike special feature. SAU specializes in top notch mesh, animations and finely tuned ACS scripting out of the box. Lot's of cool robots and sci-fi themed gadgets as well. Check out the store here.


USB HUD Pro Updated to Version 1.5

USB 1.5

1.5 :

    ** Added a function to go directly to a waypoint by its number (ZapTo in main menu)

    ** Improved RLV detection to avoid RLV not being detected when relogging with the hud attached