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Showing posts with label BBB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BBB. Show all posts


BBB Passport trips continues: Greg's Bar & Lounge

Took a few weeks off. Now I'm back.

A really cool bar & lounge in Heterocera Atoll. Actually several bar & lounge area.
The most noticeable is the sky bar! You can't miss it when traveling by.

A infinity swimming pool bar & lounge. Pretty fancy. 

Take a look when you get a chance. 

Greg's Bar & Lounge Woodland Station


Bellisseria Passport...

First post on DSL blog.

So I've just recently got my Bellisseria Passport. Thought it would be fun in between weekly grid drives. Stop by some neat spots. Takes some pictures. Also record a video of the trip.

This is the latest travel to a really neat spot. Connie BlahBlah Cafe.

This place is so nice. I don't want to leave...

You can find my other trip video playlist at "Bellisseria Passport Trips" on Youtube.