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Showing posts with label answers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label answers. Show all posts


FireStorm Classes Box Of Class Notes Now At HQ1

I added a box of notecards from Bluezy Bleac the teacher at Firestorm Support near the front of the entrance to HQ 1. I will try and keep them as updated as I can. The classroom LM is in the box as well.

I always learn something new at these classes when I get the chance to attend them.

NOTE: These are not my notes.

They are created by (Bluezy Bleac) 


I suggest you try and take a Firestorm Class which are announced in the Firestorm Support Group here to improve your viewing pleasure and knowledge.


Class Schedule can be found here:




Common Sponsorship Questions

Q: "When will Drivers of SL finally contact me to sponsor?"

A: Never.  If you'd like to sponsor, contact Christi Charron

Only Drivers of Second Life sponsors can advertise in this group!

Q: "How much does it cost to sponsor?"

A: Nothing. Sponsors must provide a free vehicle or related reward for 2 weeks, to everyone completing the drive (around 400 avatars).

Q: "What else do I need to do as a sponsor?"

A: Nothing! Just place the reward(s) into a special box given to you by me.