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How To Become A GTFO HUB Provider?

Get the Freight Out! - GTFO!

A logistics and exploration game in the virtual world of Second Life™

How to become a hub provider?

We get asked about this a lot.

The GTFO! website now has a page dedicated to becoming a hub provider.

Most GTFO! hubs are owned by players of the game. If you have a space station, airport, marina, petrol/gas station or other location with access to protected road, rail or waterway (or air/space), you could host your own hub.

If you want to find out more, please visit

Thanks for your support!

–Famously Dismantled

Copyright© 2022 by GTFO!
Not affiliated with Second Life™ or Linden Lab, Inc.


DSL Group Rules...

General rules for the DSL in-world groupSubject to change.


    * 3 notices per week max.


    * Can offer 1 non-offensive, non-business promotional item monthly in chat.


    * Must be nice (no trolling, especially moderators).

    * Can post 1 vehicle related, non-recurring event in chat monthly.

(Those seeking clarification of "nice" or "offensive" should refrain from group chat)