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Showing posts with label sailing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sailing. Show all posts


Summer SAILstice of Second Life 2024 and DSL Boat Camping!


This weekend is the annual Summer Sailstice Event and Boat Camping Weekend!  Join Friday night's "To Camping Grid Drive", sponsored by BBX, and you'll find the camping location AND get an awesome BBX boat! Campers get 120Li for boats/decor for the entire weekend (it's free), and we vacate camp Monday as usual. Drive times: Fri @ 5:30p & 11:59p.

The Festival Of The Oceans 2024

Samphire Creek, Erik, Hrosskell and Leif Regions, North Nautilus

Friday 21st to Friday 28th June 2024

The Festival Of The Oceans is Second Life’s largest annual boat show and an integral part of the Summer SAILstice Of Second Life.

Now in its second year at Lili’s Yard in Samphire Creek, Erik and Hrosskell regions, North Nautilus, the event brings together a selection of the most creative boat-builders, sailing clubs and makers of virtual sailing accessories, and is proud to be supporting the American Cancer Society Race For Life.

The event is distributed over four adjacent locations within Erik and adjoining Hrosskell regions, and is now also expanding into Leif region. In addition there will also be a 'satellite' display at Kalvoya region in Second Norway, at the finishing post of the Race For Life Marathon.

This year we have new product launches from N+K Ships and Shippe & Saille, a live search-and-rescue exercise showcasing the Second Life Coast Guard (SLCG)’s many skills and abilities, a tall ships windjammer flotilla and spectacular contributions from our staunch allies the Aeropunk Sky Pirates Coalition and numerous other events yet to be confirmed and finalized.



USB HUD Pro Updated to Version 1.5

USB 1.5

1.5 :

    ** Added a function to go directly to a waypoint by its number (ZapTo in main menu)

    ** Improved RLV detection to avoid RLV not being detected when relogging with the hud attached


No One Left On The Dock - The Story of The Leeward Cruising Club

LCC logo
LCC Logo

In 2009, Tory Micheline held weekly scheduled Tako Races in Mowry Bay, as a Race Director of the Mowry Bay Yacht Club. One day (about November time) she said to the people who came to her event, that there will not be a race that day, instead of that, people will do an exploring trip from Mowry Bay to the North, until they can´t go North anymore, then sail back to the Mowry Docks after reaching that final sim border. Any Boat was welcome on that event. I, Manul Rotaru, was sailing around in the area that day, and I joined in with a small Trudeau. A mixed fleet started, very few boats made it, most had issues with sim borders, ban lines, narrow passages, navigation problems and so on.  My Trudeau sailed back into Mowry Bay and I said to Tory that I enjoyed that event and that I liked what she did. Quickly and spontaneously we decided to do another non-racing exploring sail the week after, using her Tuesday event time slot. From earlier explorations and sails I had knowledge about various SL Mainland waterways, and Tory had her experience in hosting events as a Mowry Bay Yacht Club Race Director. And so it started: I created the cruise charts, explored new regions, and test sailed routes.  Tory did the “cheerleading” as she described it once, she did the inviting, talking to people, writing the announcements, notecards, managing our media and contacts, doing organization.

Already on those early cruises, the Mowry Bay Cruising Club attracted a lot of different kind of sailors: old salts, beginners, experienced racers, sailors who are far away from the known racing scene and so on. Any boat was welcome (though we do now draw the line at prim/script heavy boats - Lag-Monsters as I call them), any skill level welcome, people can crew or sail their own boat, with no one left on the dock. Quickly it became obvious that the sailors liked to socialize and party when they arrived in a remote harbour together, and soon we had various kinds of parties at the end.

After many successful weekly cruises, it became very obvious that we needed a second cruise in a more Euro-friendly timeslot, and we found a vacant one in the calendar on Sundays at 2 PM SLT. Our friend VenusMari Zapedzki from Mowry Bay said that she could run the Euro group, using already existing charts of the Tuesday East coast time slot group. From the beginning, VenusMari did all the work independently, and soon the MBCC Euro group became a very successful group. Croco Capalini helped Venus in hosting the Sunday Cruises, for a period they worked together. During the late summer of this year, Venus could not run the Sunday Euro group anymore, and we were lucky that Orca Flotta took over the leadership of the great Sunday Group. Orca also creates new charts, so then we had two chart makers in MBCC.

Eventually, Orca decided to move on to other things, and passed on the task of organizing the Tuesday cruises to me, Kittensusie Landar (happily, Orca still cruises with us whenever possible). One of the first things I decided to do was organize a linked series of cruises starting from Sansara, sailing up to Heterocera (where we explored the inner Atoll before circumnavigating the outer waters) and eventually returning to the start-point. At first I was worried it would not be a success, but I need not have worried. We sailed the Long Haul (as I named it) for two weeks, then sailed the more open waters of Blake for a week before returning to it. 

It was during this venture that Chaos Mandelbrot took over as the Tuesday cruise organizer, and what a fantastic job he has done. One change we made to the Sunday cruises was to start them one hour earlier to make it easier for those of us in Europe to join in.  

After the MBCC had been in existence for a year, Manul composed an informative history of the group, a lot of which I've incorporated in this history of the LCC. 

Then Tory decided to leave SL. Manul had previously also decided to move on to other things within SL sailing. I’m glad to say that Manul still sails with us, and Tory makes an occasional visit to SL to see how things are going. 

Before leaving, Tory made Chaos Mandelbrot, Cate Foulsbane and myself joint-owners of the club. One of the first things we decided on was that a change of name was required; we wanted to show everyone that we were not physically connected to the Mowry Bay Yacht Club and were instead an independent organization. After much planning, we formed the Leeward Cruising Club (LCC) and invited everyone from the MBCC over to the new group. It was, in my opinion, one of the best decisions we made. Cate later left the ownership of the LCC but sails with us on nearly all our cruises, and also stands in for Chaos or myself if we can't be online in time to start the cruise for some reason.

We have, over the years, grown into the biggest cruising club in SL. We are proud to retain our total independence from other yacht clubs, which also means we can visit them all for our parties. We have received a lot of support from several yacht clubs throughout SL however. No matter where we sail to we are welcomed with open arms, and there are still many potential party-places we have yet to visit. The future looks good for us, and we will carry on cruising for as long as there is water to sail. And we will remain independent; the original Gypsies of the SL Seas.

Of course, the MBCC/LCC would not have been the success it is without the help and support of a lot of people, sadly too many to list here, but I say a big thank you for supporting us in our ventures. Needless to say, our success has also depended on the continued support of our members, especially those who sail with us week after week, sometimes fighting ridiculous amounts of lag but somehow making it through to the party. My heartiest thanks to you all.

Manul Rotaru and Kittensusie Landar


Love Sailing...

Bandit 50/3
Love sailing in the Blake Sea in our Bandit 50/3
Sailing in SL is so relaxing. It's a great way to take the edge off of a grid drive with the constant struggle of keeping your vehicle on the road at speed and or keeping up with a pack of drivers without ending up in someones back yard or living room, getting stuck in a ban line or orbed parcel to be taken back to your own parcel and having to start all over from your last position if you remember where you were on the map, because you did not have time to set a LM before you got "jacked" (stalled without the ability to edit/move your vehicle or TP to a close location from where your vehicle is). Yes, that's a long sentence. 

There are quite a few sailing groups out there but one of the biggest and most popular (2000+ members) is the free to join Leeward Cruising Club or LCC. You may have seen many little yellow and blue LCC squares on the map, usually near a coast or waterway. Thing to keep in mind, is that there is always a rezzing spot at a LCC location. LCC locations are privately owned spots where the owner has applied to the group to be seen on the map as an official space. 

Sky Signs Map
LCC Sky Signs on the Map

I will post another blog about the LCC group in the near future. You can find the group in-world.

LCC logo
LCC Group Logo