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Brandi and Luke Podcast

 This music video is brought to you by MtFB (Music to Fly By) Radio. The station that provides music and commentary each week for your grid drives. SL Aviation Network will be filming a video this week for the Brandi and Luke Podcast. We will be on the Roadward Cruisers/Drivers of SL Grid Drive. The group drive will begin at 1PM on Saturday, April 30th. A NavHud will be available. The Drive will end at the GlastonBelli Redwood Forest with a special performance by singer Cranston Yordstorm at The GlastonBelli Pyramid Stage.



New LiveStreamer of NavHUD drive

We would like to introduce the live stream distribution of NavHUD by those
who participated in Grid Drive in the past.

20220416 Nav HUD

When Pyo watched the live stream, he was tracking with a high-speed helicopter from about Leg5,
but the car was faster to run along Route8, and he caught up with Leg6.
1:00:28 Pyo is flying on GTFO! HQ

20220409 Nav HUD

20220402 Nav HUD

20220326 Nav HUD

Games are distributed in addition to Second Life, so please register if you like it.


Jinsil to Subak Regatta

Who: All Aeronauts What: Airship Regatta When: Sunday, April 10th @ One PM SLT Where: Jinsil Airport

Jinsil Airport LM Start Subak Airstrip Finish Aeronaut Retreat - Social Time

Note: I'm a little behind posting videos here. Jack Tracker hosts airship regattas every month. He publishes a monthly newsletter called the Aeronaut Express and is the curator of the Airship Museum located at Airship Mountain. Contact JackTracker99 Resident for information on the next regatta. In the meantime check out the museum at Airship Mountain

 While out on a leisurely grid drive last week I came upon a terrifying scene. I was relieved to find out it was only a training exercise! 

Check out my Weekend Drive video playlist. More videos coming soon! Luke's Weekend Drive


Grid Drive Videos 20220423 NavHUD

It is a long-distance flight from Satori, starting with a road vehicle, flying through Bellisaria
to Jeogeot, and moving by a road vehicle on Jeogeot. Although the time was short, it was a thrilling journey and a battle with the security orbs on Bellisaria and Jeogeot.
Sponsor : Capital Moters

Zada Bury @ the Drivers of SL Grid Drive 2022-04-23 - 'honorable' intentions - (Photos UHD)

Kimberly McBlaze - Drivers of SL Grid Drive - 2022-04-24

It will start from 24:14 due to delivery trouble.

20220423 NavHUD Midnight Grid Drive by Pyo

Time line is in the description


Reflection Pass Flight Maneuvers

In the performance event of the US Air Force acrobatics team "Thunderbirds", there is a technique called reflection pass, which matches the bottoms of the aircraft. We demonstrated this in Second Life.

USAF Thunderbirds Perform A Reflection Pass

The DSL Acrobat Team try this at Bellisaria Continent (Christi Charron & Pyo)

WhiteViking Team (Pyo & Pyon)


Fantasy Faire Info

Welcome to Fantasy Faire 2022 - A Relay For Life Event
April 21 through May 8

Well done, Traveler! You have passed through the Mysts and discovered a world where magic is real, and the hero is YOU!

Here, you will find the Incantations that will open the Portals to all 20 of the Fairelands (also known as Landmarks). We invite you to bookmark the Faire's website so that you can take advantage of all the Faire has to offer, including the Calendar of Events, the new Shopping Guide, and much more to inspire, delight, amuse,  and lift you up.

You are also cordially invited to join the Faire's Group. Notices are sent out daily with details about the special events for the day!

* * Fantasy Faire Fans * *   secondlife:///app/group/7eb1b08b-1b3e-fdfa-1ad6-252c779e1b8b/about

OR on Discord:

The Fantasy Faire staff are here to help you however we can. See the link below for a list of the Faire's Department Leads.

Are you or a loved one battling cancer? Find out how many ways the American Cancer Society is there to help. 

Visit or call (US) 800-ACS-2345.


(GTFO) Grid Drive Videos from 2022-04-16

Today the post by me (not sure, if all works well) ...

... editing the pictures and creating a video takes usual a bit longer,
than the streaming and maybe fixing some issues with the sound
(or better: music and copyright-complaints).

Here now the different videos, so far we was knowing about.
If you have knowledge about others, give Pyo, Kimberly or me a "poke".

I hope you all was enjoy the drive ...
... and we looking forward to the next one.

Was someone on the "Bellisseria - Anniversary Race" on Saturday?
I totally have missed that ...

You also can find all videos, I was able to catch since July 2021, here:


Grid Drive Videos 20220409 NavHUD

 (1)20220409 NavHUD Midnight Grid Drive(Sound Replaced)@pyo
Since it is a very long video, please refer to the timeline in the summary column from the URL of Youtube to see each scene.

Since the timeline is described in the explanation column, it can be referenced from any position.

updated URL my videos(Rewritten all audio tracks to avoid copyright)

(2)Kimberly McBlaze - Drivers of SL Grid Drive - 2022-04-10

(3)Zada Bury @ the Drivers of SL Grid Drive 2022-04-09

These videos and photos were taken at Midnigh


How To Become A GTFO HUB Provider?

Get the Freight Out! - GTFO!

A logistics and exploration game in the virtual world of Second Life™

How to become a hub provider?

We get asked about this a lot.

The GTFO! website now has a page dedicated to becoming a hub provider.

Most GTFO! hubs are owned by players of the game. If you have a space station, airport, marina, petrol/gas station or other location with access to protected road, rail or waterway (or air/space), you could host your own hub.

If you want to find out more, please visit

Thanks for your support!

–Famously Dismantled

Copyright© 2022 by GTFO!
Not affiliated with Second Life™ or Linden Lab, Inc.