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Equestrian Trails Update For June

 Latest update from Shynne Nirvana.

*You can find our full text page here:


Hey Everyone! 

The Places to Ride list was originally released in the past by Cerdwin Flanagan. This was such a great idea for both the Teegle Community and the SL Equestrian Community in general that we felt it would be great to keep it going. With that in mind there are a few things to make note of before we get into the locations and what they have to offer...


Fly for Life Expo Wrap Up

 Sadly the Fly for Life Expo has ended. It was a great success, and we are already making plans to bring it back in 2024. I am grateful to the 8 teams that worked with me to pull this off. We came into it as 8 separate teams and came out as one big team! We flew for life! There is hope. Together we can beat cancer! 


Fly for Life Expo 2023 Still Open!

In case you missed the action last week you might want to stop by and check out the display hangars and the museum. The regions will remain open through the end of the day Wednesday. You might even catch a team getting in a practice session. They loved flying there so much they don't want to leave! I've attached a picture from the air show.