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Second Paramotor Update

Second Paramotor

You can find our Vehicles & Tools Updates page here:

You can find the motorized parachute made by Encripton Core here.

Whats new in the version

  • New command mcs - toggle attempt to fix paramotor x-axis jerk when crossing region line in MLS mode
  • New command css - toggle sound crossing region
  • New command rn - toggle display region name when crossing
  • New command wind# (0-9) - new feature Second Life amplitude Wind (llWind) default 3(variable in Desc 'e')
  • New command wi - wind info - toggles the wind information in the text HUD.
  • New command fuel Toggle Fuel
  • The 'txt' command now has 3 modes: None,Always,Auto.
  •  SPM_HYROSCOPE_HUD_EXT still disables the text HUD when the engine is started.
  • Slightly changed agent algorithm in mouselook mode (double detection at intervals)
  • Fix: adjusted avatar positions are now not reset after you take the object Paramotor(without resetScripts) and rez it again.
  • If you have done 'Reset scripts' always TAKE the Paramotor and REZ it again.
  • When safe chute control then default animation SitRelax.