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Atomic Shenanigans

 Grid Drive Blog 23/03/24 - Atomic Shenanigans.

Hi again everybody. Here I am again with details of another adventure I became involved in against my will the other day. It's a hard job keeping the world secure from the Penguin Menace. 

The day started normally enough. I got a dodgy suggestion from DoSL;

Christi Charron: Tour the festival and see the awesome food truck displays

Starbright Wingtips: hmmm, a food truck tour, I am suspicious

Starbright Wingtips: it'll probably involve drugs, again.

Starbright Wingtips: mmm, ice creams, lets get some.

Starbright Wingtips: I was going to get a lemon ice, then I remembered the warnings about not eating yellow snow, who knows if it's really lemon.

Starbright Wingtips: anyway, lets have a look around.

We wandered around the food truck convention for a while, trying the various burgers and BBQ on offer. Overall it was a lovely area and we noticed some details thar show that our overlords are on top of things totally;

Starbright Wingtips: city newspaper is 4 years old, I am glad Linden are keeping things up to date. 

But eventually our culinary experiments caught up with us and we headed over to the long line of portacabins to, err, powder our noses. This is where thins really went a bit mad, I am sure it had nothing at all to do with the coke. All of a siddent there was a bright flash and when I opened the portapotty door I saw a new landscape;

Starbright Wingtips: we got flushed out i guess
Starbright Wingtips: I must admit it's not where I expected to end up. I remember that sewage plant from the last drive. Unless it was all a bad dream, it's hard to remember.

Starbright Wingtips: anyway, it looks nice enough, lets explore

We wandered along downhill towards the outskirts of a strange town and came to a road. It appeared we might have a lot of walking to do, so I did what anyone in our situation would do, I stole a vehicle.

Starbright Wingtips: lets use this, hop in

Starbright Wingtips: oh, I don't mind cries of "omg we're going to die". I'll be screaming just as loud.

So we set out driving aimlessly across Belli, although I was sure something freaky was going on and I kept my eyes out for penguins at all times. The roads of Belli were as treacherous as ever and we did encounter a few more unfortunate travellers who had also been sucked into the portapotty pipes. 

Starbright Wingtips: I f**king hate the lamposts of Belli

شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): yes

Aᴘᴘʏ (appaloosahorse) shouts: it sucks! that's the challenge

Starbright Wingtips: stupid road

Chris Camberley-Lionheart (chrisger): rolls eyes

Having found a stretch of road with some serious potholes I decided that it'd be a lot smoother ride if we just went offroad;

However, offroad Belli has just as many hazards as the street do;

Starbright Wingtips: i hate the trees too, lol

شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): lol

Despite all of these challanges we eventually found ourselves at a railway station and a little voice in the back of my head was telling me that the cops were probably out looking for the bike by now, so I decided we ought to swap to another mode of transport. Luckily there was an old tram at the station, so I, err, borrowed it for a while.

The coke from earlier was really kicking in at this point and so as we toured Belli a certain amount of confusion arose over which direction we should be going, which was good going considering we only had two choices, ahead or reverse. 

شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): are we going the wrong way?

Starbright Wingtips: yes, lol

شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): the signal is red

Starbright Wingtips: where did we go wrong?

شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): this is confusing

Starbright Wingtips: lets have some more coke, it might clear things up.

We travelled through Belli observing the wonderful scenery with a kind of glassy eyed wonder, utter profound "wow" and "cool" comments and other conversational gems

شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): oops

شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): fixed it

Starbright Wingtips: yay

Starbright Wingtips: we're on linden turf, so keep an eye out for penguins

شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): lol

هرزاده (dancingfireflys): yes

Starbright Wingtips: I like the scenery here, even things like having a mix of trees

شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): I like the houses to, they give me a sense of enormous well-being. 

We eventually reached the end of the line and were just pondering what we should do next when I got a call on my mobile. It was spooky, almost as if we were being watched;

Starbright Wingtips: Hello, who is this?
Christi Charron: If you lived here, you'd be home right now!

Christi Charron: You would also be my neighbor as my house is near here :)

Christi Charron: Let's head to the dock

Starbright Wingtips: err, ok I guess. We're doing this because ....?

Christi Charron: There's someone waiting there you need to talk to.

So we walk though the outskirts of the town and approach the shoreline where we see a small dock with some seaplanes parked next to it. We see a suspicious looking short person waiting on the dock wearing what looks like a trenchcoat and fedora. I walk up with a cheesy grin and wave

Starbright Wingtips: Wotcha matey. Have you lost your preciousssss?

Warship Waifu: Hey Starbright. I'm sure you're one of Christi's "Let's Go See Pretty Things" grid drives right now, but your help is needed in the gulf.

Starbright Wingtips: see, it's those bloody penguins again, I bet you!

Warship Waifu: We have a "Broken Arrow" situation we discovered recently while looking through old top secret military records.

Warship Waifu: Years ago two submarines were sent out, one carrying a large "tactical" nuclear warhead, the other sub was just a decoy.

Warship Waifu: The two subs never arrived, and they were eventually forgotten about over time, they likely collided shortly after leaving port.

Warship Waifu: Our plan is to find the two submarine wrecks using sonar from a boat, then search the wreckages using deep sea vehicles.

Warship Waifu: We need someone to retrieve the sonar and take it to the search team at the JGA marina, as our delivery driver had a bull-riding accident last weekend.

Warship Waifu: I contacted you because you're known for your reliability and speed, and we only have the budget for one more day of operation.

Starbright Wingtips: bull riding eh? nasty

Warship Waifu: Please go retrieve the sonar device from a warehouse in Tulagi, and take it to the search team at the JGA Marina

Starbright Wingtips: and this is all official, is it? hmmmmmm. Ok I guess the quickest way to get there is to "borrow" one of these planes. It goes against every instinct I have to break the law by taking someone else's vehicle, but this is an emergency, right?

So with no further ado we waved farewell to the totally not dodgy person giving us dodgy instrctions which may or may not be official and we began our flight south to the Jeoget Gulf. It was at this point we started to suffer from some electronic warfare interference with our GPS ((Navhud))

شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): i am so confused

Starbright Wingtips: why

شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): it is all showing up on screen in some strange language

Starbright Wingtips: penguin hacking

20240323 Nav HUD: オフロード車両に乗って続行します。しつこいですが、飛行機は削除しないでください

[11:47] Starbright Wingtips: it must be

[11:47] Starbright Wingtips: they want the nukes

We climbed out of the plane and began to look for a vahicle to take us to the warehouse on the docks where the sonar was apparently being stored. I could see we were in a military area so in order to blend in and not arouse any suspicion, we stole a military looking vehicle;

We drove past bunkers and tanks and guns galore, keeping our eyes peeled for odd stuff and eventually pulled up at the warehouse. There didn;t seem to be anyone around so we wandered inside;

As we were looking around for something that looked like a sonar we heard a voice from behind us and a large dark figure emerged from behind a rack of shelves and spoke to us;

Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper (street.repine): Hi :) I am helping with the warhead salvage operation and saw you over there

Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper (street.repine): If you're looking for the sonar device, it hasn't arrived yet

Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper (street.repine): It is stuck in transit still

Starbright Wingtips: Typical, I blame penguins!

Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper (street.repine): I'll locate the sonar device for you but it'll take a few minutes, then you can go pick it up as this operation is low on time and budget

Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper (street.repine): Until then, you can wait in the lounge located in the building to your SE

So we wandered over the road to the bar, it was timely stop as we were on a Mandated Union Rest Break by then anyway, so we killed some time in the bar.

Starbright Wingtips: I guess we'll just have to wait here for Cpt. Brightflame Reaper 

Starbright Wingtips: It's looks like drivers of SL encourages drink driving, hmmmmmmm.

Starbright Wingtips: but I guess it's ok, we'll mostly be in boats from here by the sounds of it

* A few Minutes Later *

Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper (street.repine): Okay, I located the sonar shipment finally

Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper (street.repine): The crated sonar is stuck in transit in a warehouse south of here in the town of Eifukucho

Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper (street.repine): I'll send the location to your Nav HUD now so you can go retrieve it and deliver it to the search team, so they can use it to find the sunken submarines

Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper (street.repine): Good luck! You should head back to your plane.

We headed back to the jeep and then drove back through the maze of field fortifications and equipment to the airfield. I was very glad to see that this region was prepared for the inevitable penguin attack once we managed to recover the nukes. Still musing on this threat we climbed back aboard the seaplane and took off heading south. Our navigation instruments took us dangerously close to a volcano but we managed to land without too much drama, apart from running over a pedestrian on the runway. oh well. We parked next to the terminal and as I stopped the engines I receoved a call on my mobile;

Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper (street.repine): Hey Starbright.  The shipping manager at the Eifukucho warehouse is Ramos Regent.

Starbright Wingtips: How did you get my number, wtf?

[15:16:56] Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper (street.repine): Never mind that, Ramos will meet you at the warehouse and should be there when you arrive or shortly afterwards. Now you have to drive to Eifukucho to pick it up.

So we headed through the terminal and out to the car park where I spotted a likely looking vehicle with a notoriously easy to break ignition system;

We drove south, keeping our eye out for spies, penguins, air pirates and zombies. After an uneventful drive we reached our destination and parked carefully;

We walked into the warehouse where a surprisingly ordinary chipmunk approached us;

Ramos Regent: Hi! Capt. Street said you were on your way to pick up a crate in Eifukucho

Ramos Regent: Unfortunately the warehouse is locked as the normal warehouse manager was struck by a dirigible yesterday :/

Starbright Wingtips: Oh, another accident, it's not at all suspicious that everyone we need to speak to is injured or missing. I think there's something fishy going on.

Ramos Regent: If you'll wait in my family's bar around the corner, I'll make sure your drinks are free!

Starbright Wingtips: Sure, I need to top up my booze levels a little, I have more driving to do yet. 

Starbright Wingtips: what was that old song "have a drink, have a drive"

Miss Della (della.randt): lol, yes

* A few minutes later *

Ramos Regent: Hello, I have unlocked the shipping facility and you may now go retrieve your crate!

Ramos Regent: I apologize for the wait.

Ramos Regent: You can take the train to the shipping facility to pick up your crate, as parking there is limited.

So we staggered over to the elevated railway station and climbed up to the platform to await the train. It was only a minute before it arrived which may have been due to normal Japanese efficiency, or it might have been due to the strange feeling of being watched that we were all beginning to notice. Once it arrived we clambered aboard;

The train pulled out and it was only a couple of stops later that our stop came up, we exited the train and wandered about the town for a while until we located the warehouse with the sonar in;

We eventually found the warehouse, walked in and saw the sonar right away, sitting in a crate in the middle of the floor, not suspicious at all. Once we had managed to steal a dolly, we were able to wheel the crate back to the station and back onto the train. After an uneventful return journey on the train we go back to the car. Dealt with the other drivers who unjustly claimed that we blocked them in (pepper spray is a great invention) and then drove back to  Jeogeot Gulf Airport. 

** Sadly at this point the NavHud started to glitch and I got booted from sl before I could save my chatlog of the final part of the drive. So detail from this point will be a bit lacking. Sorry **

After arriving back at the airport we humped the crate out of the plane and down to the dock where we found a suitable boat for the next part of the mission which was to use the sonar to locate the two submarine wrecks;

It wasn't long before we realised that these submarine wrecks were located in an active combat zone so while we bravely dodged bombs, torpedoes and strafing runs by planes we searched hard for these subs. Eventually we spotted them both after a long and gruelling voyage and as we started to feel distinctly hungover we headed back to the port for the final stage of the mission.

We got back to the docks with our happy news of having located the two wrecks. We were then asked to take the explorer submarine, Oceangategate, to retrieve the lost nuke warhead from whichever wreck it was on. We climbed aboard full of confidence and I sat at the front of the boat trying not to notice the Home Depot stickers on everything as I used the  playstation controller to move away from the dock and out into the deep water.

We headed down to the location of the first wreck, trying not to notice the creaking sounds coming from all around us. Next to the playstation was our radiation detector and I kept my eye on it as we got closer;

Radiation Detector: Stop moving so the radiation scanner can get an accurate reading

Radiation Detector: Remain stopped while radiation scanning is performed...

Radiation Detector: Scanning for radiation traces...

Radiation Detector: No high levels of radiation or warhead found.  Continue to the second submarine wreckage. 

So we did. I tried to get the sub to go faster because by now we were all starting to feel a bit, err, nervous about the whole situation. We aproached the second wreck and finally got some good news;

Radiation Detector: Stop moving so the radiation scanner can get an accurate reading

Radiation Detector: Remain stopped while radiation scanning is performed...

Radiation Detector: Scanning for radiation traces...

Radiation Detector: High radiation levels are present. The warhead must be nearby!

Radiation Detector: Locate the warhead and manoeuvre the sub next to it to pick it up with the grabber claw thing.

Radiation Detector: Warhead retrieved!  

At this point we received a suspiciously timed text message;

Warship Waifu: You found it!  I knew we picked the right person for the job! Deliver the warhead to Tulagi Seaport.

So, we set off at flank speed for Tulagi and despite the risk of warplanes we decided a run on the surface was probably safer since some of the seams inside were starting to get a little, err, damp. Once back at the dock we saw our suspicious looking contact waiting for us in some convenient shadows;

Warship Waifu: I see you over there! Welcome back.

Warship Waifu: The Bomb Disposal Unit isn't here yet as one of the lead technicians had a bungee-jumping accident while on vacation

Warship Waifu: Please deliver the warhead to an empty quonset hut, to be stored away from everyone for now

Warship Waifu: BE CAREFUL! Everyone I know seems to be having some sort of horrible accident lately >.>

Starbright WIndtips: Yes, we had noticed that. It's all highly suspicious. We'll take care. 

So we loaded the bomb onto the jeep and drove it over to the storage hut. Once there I recived another suspiciously timed text message;

Warship Waifu: Rez the "Tactical Nuclear Warhead" in the rear of the barracks and the bomb disposal crew will come secure it

So we carried the warhead and just as I was about to put it down

 [17:17] Warship Waifu: WAIT!!!


[17:17] Starbright Wingtips: oops

[17:17] شهرزاده (dancingfireflys): lol

So, that was the end of our adventure. It was a lot of fun so a big thank you to |everyone who helped put this drive together. I am sorry I had technical problems and lost the last bit of our group chat. I hope you enjoyed reading this. 


Kidnapped by a Cat Lady!

Kidnapped by the Cat Lady!

Hello, I thought you all might be interested in my recent adventure where I was kidnapped by a mad woman who slipped something in my coffee and attempted to traffick me, I think. It's all still a bit confusing. 

Well the day started normally enough, I got a call from Fam who wanted me to deliver their drugs, again. So I stopped by to pick up the coke to take to the staff at Jeogeot Gulf Airport. Those pilots have a serious habit!

The journey to the airport was fairly uneventful and although I passed a lot of interesting places I didn't have time to stop and explore any of them, which was a shame. The Roamer felt like it was running with one flat tire though, it wasn't a smooth ride at all. So I decided that once I got to the airport, I would steal something better. I arrived without incident and gave the package to Karen at the desk, of course she was her normal charming self. 

It was as I was hot-wiring a Jeep in the car park that my day went really batshit crazy. This weird old lady climbed into the passenger seat. She had a large handgun poking out of her handbag, so I didn't want to be rude. She asked for a ride to the Route 9 bus stop and she seemed to be mostly harmless, apart from a strange cat pee smell. I figured I was in an open top vehicle so i could probably cope and so we set off.

Her directions were appalling, I was beginning to doubt that she knew where she wanted to go at all, we wove across Jeogeot, even going offroad at one point, lucky I stole a Jeep really.

Eventually we made it to the bus stop, having collected a dozen speeding tickets and accidentally clipping the odd pedestrian who was standing too close to the road. I got out of the Jeep to escort the mad old lady (who was rabbiting on as if she knew me) to the bus to make sure she got on it, so I could escape when all of a sudden I felt dizzy and I might even have passed out for a moment.

Next thing I know I'm being shaken awake by someone who keeps insisting that they are my Great Aunt Yoko.

Great Aunt Yoko: Ah finally, can you smell this fresh air?

Starbright Wingtips: All I can smell is cat pee and, I think, chloroform. 

Great Aunt Yoko: Well I certainly can, the person in the seat in front of me permanently farted!

Great Aunt Yoko: Anyways, let's go!

So with that she takes me by the arm, drags me to my feet with more strength that I'd have expected from a little old woman, puts her arm through mine and starts to walk me towards what looks like a Japanese temple.

Starbright Wingtips: What's going on, where am I?

Great Aunt Yoko: We're at Little Yoshiwara in the Bakumatsu Period Japan Cultural Area. Milarepa. It's one of my favourite spots. 

Great Aunt Yoko: There are so many shrines here!

Great Aunt Yoko: But don't worry, I won't walk you to all of them!

Great Aunt Yoko: Just to most :D

Great Aunt Yoko: How nostalgic, this brings back memories

Starbright Wingtips: Yeah, I think some of my memory is starting to come back too.

Great Aunt Yoko: Rattle the bell and make a silent prayer

Starbright Wingtips prays for rescue.

Great Aunt Yoko: Let's take a short break, I am getting a little hungry

Great Aunt Yoko: Why don't we grab a bite while we enjoy the surroundings a while

Starbright Wingtips: You used "while" twice in the same sentence, are you drunk?

Starbright Wingtips dodges a blow from the old woman while she sits at the street vendors cart

*A few minutes later ....*

[10:38] Great Aunt Yoko: Okay I think I'm good again, let us move on!

We moved off again along a path which leads under the trees which surround this little town, as we move along it I can see yet another shrine ahead of me.

Great Aunt Yoko: Wow, this big fella looks like uncle bob!

Buddha whispers:  San nin yoreba, Monju no chie.

Where three persons come together, there is the wisdom of Monju.

Starbright Wingtips backs away warily while keeping an eye on the statue and the old woman 

Starbright Wingtips: Very deep I'm sure, but could we please get out of here?

* The two travellers turn away from the shrine and begin to walk up a path taking them upwards *

Great Aunt Yoko: So many shrines, so little time

Great Aunt Yoko: Let us head to the last spot in this pretty location and move on

From the viewpoint we moved into a wild hill meadow by some cliffs, there was a mist in the air and bones on the ground.

Great Aunt Yoko: Oh my, this place used to look much friendlier back in my young days!

Great Aunt Yoko: But then again, I guess so did I too!

Great Aunt Yoko: I have seen and witnessed a lot in my life but this...

Great Aunt Yoko: This place gives me some chills.. Let's hurry on

I suddenly feel dizzy as the world fades away around me and next thing I know I'm being shaken awake by cat lady again;

Great Aunt Yoko: Oww... What happened? Where are we?

Great Aunt Yoko: This place looks surreal!

As if in a daze we stumble along the path between Shrines and Temples as we look around and take the strange unreal scenery.

Great Aunt Yoko: Wow..

Is the only comment either of us can make as I wonder if I had mushroom omelette with the wrong mushrooms last night. Eventually we reach the other end of the walkway where there is a small shrine in front of a large and slightly ominous black tower. I step up to the shrine and silently wish for save travels back home. I suddenly feel faint, again, and everything goes black.

I open my eyes and find myself in an entirely new location, again! At least I seem to be back from the surreal world Unfortunately so is the cat lady aka my "great aunt", who is throwing up soundly on the side of the road

Great Aunt Yoko: Urg.. I'm getting too old for this...

Great Aunt Yoko: But at least I think I know where we are, this is the Hamamura Islands, specifically the Serenity Forest.

 You notice a large black tower behind you, close to the one you approached earlier.. spooky

Great Aunt Yoko: Yea I certainly remember this place!

Great Aunt Yoko: Come on, let me show you around a little!

Great Aunt Yoko: Oh my, I better not say what this right kitty is shaped like..

Great Aunt Yoko: That's some strange ramen on the left

We continued walking amongst the temples and market stalls with cat lady chattering away when suddenly I saw it.

A bloody Penguin! Everywhere I go I see these damn things, it's almost like they're spying on me. I treated this whole experience a bit more seriously as soon as I knew penguins were involved! Luckily at that moment an opportunity came up for me to fill the cat lady in on the threat we were facing.

Great Aunt Yoko: This spot looks relaxing, let's take a moment to take the surroundings in

As I explained the penguin situation I could see her eyes get wide as she slowly inched her chair back away from mine. Sadly before I managed to finish my warnings, she drained her Saki, stood up and announced it was time to climb to the top of a mountain for no apparent reason.

Great Aunt Yoko: Alright, time to move on!

Starbright Wingtips; but but .... the penguins!

Great Aunt Yoko: No time for that, come on and hurry. <struggles up a long flight of steps> Let's pray they install a lift before until our next visit..

Great Aunt Yoko: What a magnificent view from here!

Great Aunt Yoko: Your great uncle and me had a large garden like this as well!

Great Aunt Yoko: Well we had just vegetables in it I have to admit

Great Aunt Yoko: And it was only half the size..

Great Aunt Yoko: Also my cat kept getting lost in it, so we had to burn it down in the end

Starbright Wingtips gives the cat lady some side-eye while saying "ok..." and moving away from the edge. She ignores me and walks around a bend in the part, I follow her to find her standing at a tunnel entrance.

Great Aunt Yoko: Oh we gotta go explore this more, even if we get cursed!

We hurried through the caves descending from the entrance only stopping at a gap in the rocks that we though led back out

Great Aunt Yoko: What a bummer, it's just a lookout!

Eventually we came out at the foot of the mountain and although the cave exit was a bit grim, the path led back into the forest and the view soon brightened up.

[11:13] Great Aunt Yoko: And are those graves? Looks like a graveyard..

[11:14] Great Aunt Yoko: Tsk, let's get back, I'm so old I'll get that view soon enough!

So we walked on through the forest and eventually came to the shore where we found a boat tied up at a pier. The boat crew apparently didn't speak any English, so we used the time-tested method of just shouting at them slowly in English until they seemed to understand that we wanted to be taken home. They set off and I settled back into the cushions and drifted off to sleep. I only woke up when the cat lady shook me and told me I had arrived. I climbed off the boat to find myself in another Japanese looking landscape.

Great Aunt Yoko: What nice people, I almost feel bad that I threw up over the side of the boat so much.

This town did have one advantage over the other places we'd just been, it had a road and I could see a few parked cars. I stole another Jeep and hit the road, trying to find something that looked a bit more like reality than anything I had seen for the last few hours. 

I drove for miles, then saw a train station with a light on in the booking office. I pulled in to park in front of it and just as I was stepping out the Jeep, feeling like things might be back to normal the cat lady started to talk.

Great Aunt Yoko: Okay pumpkin, it is getting late..

Great Aunt Yoko: There is one more place I would like to show you tho

With that she thrust a small slip of paper into my hand, I saw that it looked like a train ticket. Before I could say a word I seemed to pass out, again. I woke up at a train station, sadly it wasn;t the same one.

Great Aunt Yoko: Ah Kyoto, I went to school here as a kid you know?

(At this point even the Nav HUD was getting confused about where we were and where we were supposed to go: [11:43] 20240224-03 Nav HUD: Setting waypoint to the best-guess appropriate one. lol)

Great Aunt Yoko: How nostalgic

Great Aunt Yoko: When I was little I used to hide behind the large board and scare the praying visitors

As we walked through the streets of downtown Kyoto I looked around, wondering where all the people were. I was still shaken up by the sight of the Penguin and I had a sneaky suspicion that I wasn't actually back in reality yet.

Great Aunt Yoko: Wow, they expanded their business by a lot

Great Aunt Yoko: Well, I guess that's the only way to come by these days

We stole some bikes and rode around the deserted streets of Kyoto while I kept my eye out for more penguins and eventually reached the outskirts of town where the bus stop was.

Great Aunt Yoko: Hah, that was quite a trip!

Great Aunt Yoko: Let us take the bus, I am exhausted..

Having given up on asking questions of this mad old woman by now I just climb aboard, sit down and close my eyes. Before I know it I'm being shaken awake at a new stop.

Great Aunt Yoko: Oh Tanpopo, my dear childhood friend used to live here

While the bus idles the old lady drags me to a roadside shrine.

Great Aunt Yoko: She passed away a while ago, let us go up so I can say a quick prayer for her

Great Aunt Yoko: Oh Kiki, you left us behind too soon

Great Aunt Yoko: We should have waited for the driving instructor after all

Starbright Wingtips looks at the old lady with an expression which says "why am I not surprised?"

Great Aunt Yoko: By the way, you still owe me 50 bucks

Great Aunt Yoko: Tsk, You always tried to get around paying back your debts you lil dead raskal

Eventually the old lady turns from the shrine and ushers me back onto the bus. 

Great Aunt Yoko: Alright, thanks for taking this detour with me pumpkin, let's return

Great Aunt Yoko: It's been very kind of you to spend this lovely day with your old great aunt!

The bust sets off again and the motion of the bus combined with a very busy day soon have me fast asleep and being shaken awake what seems like only seconds later. We climb off the bus at what seems like an ordinary shop car park, are we finally back to reality?

Great Aunt Yoko: Oh my, I almost fell asleep on the bus

Great Aunt Yoko: I guess it really is time you bring me back to the airport

I look around the car park and am unsurprised to see a green Jeep sitting there, so I go steal it, again. Following directions from the old lady I get back on the road and as I'm motoring along, I get my first definite clue that this is reality when we pass what is probably the only sewage works in Jeogeot.

Without further incident we reach the airport car park where I first met this madwoman. 

Great Aunt Yoko: Ah, what a long day

Suddenly a child comes running towards you, screaming something!

Child: Aunty Yoko! We have been searching for you for hours!!!

You witness a vivid discussion for a while as you wonder just wtf is going on. 

Great Aunt Yoko: Oh my, it seems there has been a mistake on my end

Great Aunt Yoko: I accidentally mistook you for my lil pumpkin here haha!

Great Aunt Yoko: Oh well, you can be my lil pumpkin too from now on if you'd like!

Starbright Wingtips: errr

Great Aunt Yoko: Haha just kidding, you're more of an asparagus anyways!

Great Aunt Yoko: But thank you very much for the nice day, I hope you enjoyed our trip as well!

And with that, Yoko disappears in a car, driving into the setting sun on the horizon. As she pulls out of the car park I get on the phone to Fam "dude, about that coke, I think it's bad, man what a trip I just had. You'll never believe it!"

Some Events For March 2024!

Fly for Life Expo 2024 Events

Sunday 3/3/2024 - 2:00 PM - Expo Opening Day and Kick-Off Party w/ Luke and Friends

Monday – Friday 3/4 – 3/8 
All Day – Fly for Life Expo open to public
Air Racing Track Open!
Fly for Life Aviation Museum
Tour Aerobatic Team Hangars
Team Practices on Fly for Life Show Region

Friday  3/8
5 PM – 6 PM – bFlat Unplugged at Fly for Life Entertainment Venue

(We still have openings on the Friday schedule for DJ’s and live singers. Sign up at this URL

Saturday 3/9
11 AM – 3 PM – Ride with the Open to the public – Take a ride with the team of your choice 
 2PM – 3 PM – Alchemelic – Original Music and Particle Show
 3PM – 4PM – Second Life Cheerleaders
 4PM – 5 PM – Billy Bob’s Psychedelic Underground Tribute Band with Kalyca’s Acid Rock Light Show

Sunday 3/10 – Fly for Life Air Show
8:00 AM – Preshow 
8:30 AM – Blue Angels – Fat Albert
8:45 AM – Blue Angels Helicopter Fly-Over
9:00 AM – Brazilian Smoke Squadron
9:45 AM – Anemone Wing Walking
10:30 AM – Team Phoenix
11:15 AM – The Roulettes
12:00 PM – SL Blue Angels
12:45 PM – PAF (French Air Patrol)
1:30 PM – The Hawks Aerobatic Team