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Fly For Life Expo

     I am pleased to announce the first-ever Fly for Life Expo for Relay for Life. This is a week-long fundraising event to bring awareness and support to the fight against cancer. Almost everyone has been touched by this deadly disease, either as a patient, caregiver or by the loss of a loved one or friend. 

     Many breakthroughs have been made due to the support of the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life, but there are many different types of cancer, and much more research is needed. As a cancer survivor, I am grateful for modern medical treatment and all the research that made my treatments possible. I can now say that I am cancer free.  My grandfather died of the same cancer back in 1971, at the same age I am now because the treatments we have today were not even possible then.  

     The beauty of RFL of SL is that we have a way to support a worthy cause while doing things in our virtual world we truly enjoy. We know that the Fly for Life Expo is going to be an experience that many people enjoy. We have created a truly unique aviation experience that will be of interest to all SL residents whether you have never flown a plane in SL or are an experienced aviator. 

Fly for Life Expo Schedule

Fly for Life Air Museum and Air Racing Open 24/7
(Air racing closes at 10 AM Sunday May 21st)

Sunday May 14th
2 PM - Opening 
2 PM to 4 PM Entertainment Venue Shows

Monday May 15th 
12 PM to 4 PM -  Entertainment Venue Shows

Tuesday May 16th
12 PM to 4 PM -  Entertainment Venue Shows

Wednesday May 17th
12 PM to 4 PM -  Entertainment Venue Shows

Thursday May 18th
12 PM to 4 PM -  Entertainment Venue Shows

Friday May 19th
12 PM to 4 PM -  Entertainment Venue Shows

Saturday May 20th
12 PM to 4 PM -  Entertainment Venue Shows
4 PM to 6 PM - Second Life Cheerleaders, Billy Bob's Underground - w/ Kalyca, bFlat Unplugged and The Psychedelic Underground Tribute Band

Sunday May 21st 
11 AM to 2 PM - Fly for Life Air Show.  



Outlander Modding Contest

Recently Victoria Vortex of Vision Motors sponsored a Outlander modding contest with cash prizes and trophies for the winners. Here we see a video of the vehicles entered into the contest by Zada Bury.


Equestrian Trails for May

 Latest update from Shynne Nirvana.

*You can find our full text page here:


Hey Everyone! 

The Places to Ride list was originally released in the past by Cerdwin Flanagan. This was such a great idea for both the Teegle Community and the SL Equestrian Community in general that we felt it would be great to keep it going. With that in mind there are a few things to make note of before we get into the locations and what they have to offer....


Off to Fantasy Fairelands Through Sunday May 7

My personal favorite time of the year and Fantasy Faire!

There are 20+ well-designed sims to walk through and explore.

You can also listen to Fantasy Fair Radio now!

In partnership with Live365, Fantasy Faire and Fairelands Media welcome you back to Fantasy Faire Radio.

Listen here:

Or here:

Or add Fantasy Faire Radio to your Parcel Music in Second Life:


Common Sponsorship Questions

Q: "When will Drivers of SL finally contact me to sponsor?"

A: Never.  If you'd like to sponsor, contact Christi Charron

Only Drivers of Second Life sponsors can advertise in this group!

Q: "How much does it cost to sponsor?"

A: Nothing. Sponsors must provide a free vehicle or related reward for 2 weeks, to everyone completing the drive (around 400 avatars).

Q: "What else do I need to do as a sponsor?"

A: Nothing! Just place the reward(s) into a special box given to you by me.